Keri Collage Makeup

Ladies, most of us have difficulties in getting our makeup together for special occasions. Sure we have our everyday makeup routine and yes it may look nice but where’s the spice? I won’t pretend to have it all together but luckily I know someone who does and lucky for us she’s decided to make a tutorial that isn’t crazy difficult for the average woman to do. So, without further ado I would like to introduce you to Keri-Ann Gallimore.

Now it’s on for the Valentine’s Day look book. There’s 3 categories that Keri-Ann provided us with. The first is the ultra sexy look, for a night out with that special someone, or if you just happen to be going to the bar or night club with your besties. The second is a more relaxed look that still maintains the sex appeal without having to be too obvious and the third is the outfit that still represents Valentine’s Day but is work appropriate.

KERI LOOK BOOK COLLAGE Connect with Keri through the links below:

Instagram: _kericouture

Youtube: Channel

Thanks so much for stopping by Crafties. Look out for my new features and random posts. Love yah!

Valentine’s Day Cheat Sheet For Buying Gifts For Women

Valentine's Day Cheat Sheet

We all know how difficult it is to find that ‘perfect’ gift. So, put Valentine’s Day + women, + you’re a guy, into the mix and walah you have a catastrophe coming your way. Okay, so I exaggerated but not that much. The truth is you’ll probably spend a few hours thinking about what and where to get her a gift, so I’ve provided a few ideas for you to narrow that list down.

  1. Knowing her favorite color is going to make your life so much easier. It’s like a get out of jail free card! Now, if your lady doesn’t have a favorite color, that’s a double edged knife, because now any gift you give is going to need to be that more special. By the way if you haven’t been that observant during your relationship, check out her closet for the answer, or ask her best friend.
  2. The second one, “Is she very feminine?”. This will be like your boss telling you, you’ve got a promotion coming if you don’t take that sick leave you were about to put in. If she’s really feminine, then you have slimmed down the gift category significantly! You can focus on what femininity attracts- pampering the body, enhancing it via makeup, accessorizing with jewelry, handbags, shoes etc. Maybe a spa trip/day. Many spas have specials for couples. If you’re only interested in pampering her and you have a small budget, set up a spa experience at home.
  3. Do some investigation and refrain from asking her what she would like and instead find out “What’s in her closet?” Most if not all females appreciate you picking up on hints, and taking the time and putting in the effort into getting her a gift. By looking in her closet you’ll get a better idea as to which direction to shop towards. Is she a hippie, does she love studs, is she more into skirts and dresses, does she have a lot of shoes? Get her something that befits her style and swag.
  4. “What are her interests?” The answer to this question will give you a get out of jail free card, because buying anything in relation to her hobby/interest will have a good outcome. If she’s into sports, which one, does she need gear? If she’s into art, does she need more canvas, paints, crafting tools? You see where I’m going? Of course you do. My bright pupils!
  5. Bling, “Does she wear jewelry?” Yes, she does, no she does not. Having the answer to these questions, is a tool. A life saver, but hold up, don’t just rush to Jared’s or Zales and pick up just anything. Put some thought into it. Buy her something that reflects her. Use her interests to help you out. See how they all sync. Now if she doesn’t wear jewelry, you wouldn’t have spent money buying a gift that she would probably never wear.
  6. If she color coordinates, then purchase an item that would go great with that new item she raved about that’s hanging in her closet. She has a green dress, by her a green bracelet or bag. See where I’m going with this.  🙂
  7. “What type is she?” Is she biker chick cool, book nerdy, stern goth, or sweat pant and hoodie cool? This information will surely carry you a long way by helping you eliminate. You wouldn’t want to buy your sweat pant and hoodie girl a ball gown. Nor, would you want to buy your stern goth lady a pink ruffled shirt and silk pant.
  8. Adventurous? Yes, No. If she’s adventurous, then it means that you have even more possibilities for an awesome Valentine’s Day surprise. Let your gift reflect this. Take her to do something that she had a piece of her hear set on, maybe rock climbing, hang gliding, rafting, surfing, etc. Let that day with you be the present she remembers always. Now, if she isn’t adventurous, give her something that reflects that. Your options are wide too and possibly easier, because more than likely she likes to be in her comfort zone. So replicate something she already does, or she already has but add a twist to it.
  9. Take your time and answer the question of whether or not your lady is sentimental. If she is, then make something simple, such as a photo album of the both of you, a slideshow if you’re on the techy side, a custom something- jewelry, a mug, book, painting etc., or even a poem or letter expressing your love.

Remember grasshopper that you’ll know your lady best. So keep that in mind when shopping for her.  Do everything with your heart. It will show! Just make sure to spend time with her, and not sacrifice that for trying to perfect everything. Your time will mean so much more to her than you think! For more ideas check out my other posts:

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas For Men (1)-Click Here

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas For Men (2)-Click Here

Thanks so much for reading Crafties. Please visit my other blog by clicking here and my official website by clicking here.

Keri-Ann Roberts: Makeup, Fashion & Hair


Hi Crafties, I am so exited to introduce you to Keri-Ann Roberts, a makeup artist, hair stylist and fashionista. Before I begin, it’s my pleasure to tell you that she is the very first Youtube vlogger that has ever been featured under our monthly exclusive; which entails artist of all sorts operating under categories that have a hard time being seen as a member of the art community.

Back to the featured artists, who specializes in not only providing makeup and fashion bound DIY (Do It Yourself) tutorials and illustrations respectively but also ensures that it is both simple enough, cost efficient and useful for anyone to implement within their routine and wardrobe.

I’ve provided two examples below for you to watch:

Let me also dig in to a few of her specialties, the first being makeup. Whether you’re looking for ‘cover up’ makeup, ‘enhancing’ makeup, or  ‘natural looking’ makeup, Keri-Ann provides tutorials that will guide you in creating the look you desire. I have personally tried a few of her tutorials and I must say that my overall makeup technique improved and I felt so much better that I was able to achieve some of the looks I had craved due to countless magazines.

She doesn’t stop there, Keri-Ann Roberts also provides her fan base with help in the fashion department. Often times she will show you ensembles that you can easily replicate using pre-existing items in your wardrobe. She also provides examples of how to transform an outfit with a few easy steps, that means going from work to a night on the town or from casual to dressy.

I’ll also add that this fab woman is a naturalista, which means you’ll be getting more tips and techniques for both caring and styling your natural hair. From deep conditioning mixes and protective styling to fashion forward accentuating hairstyles, Keri-Ann helps you recreate that look. However, she doesn’t forget wig or weave wearing sisters because she provides tutorials on how to style your weave to get the most natural look possible.

Crafties, take the opportunity to browse her channel and add a few tricks up your sleeve and connect with her through the following social media websites:

Also, if you’re interested in learning more about Keri-Ann and her passion hear from KeriAnn herself by reading her answers to my questions, provided below:

Tell me a little bit about yourself.-

I was born in Montego Bay, Jamaica. I attended school there until I left to come to the United States for college, from which I graduated with a BBA in Business Management with a Minor in Human Resources. That said, I must admit that although I’ve held several jobs over the course of my life, I was never as passionate about them as I am with beauty and fashion.

Though I never went to school to become a cosmetologist and/or makeup artist (MUA), I fully intend to become one, but for now, I enjoy doing my friends makeup, being a makeup enthusiast and sharing my tips with the world through my YouTube channel.

Why do you do makeup?-

It’s so much fun and addictive and just plain pretty! It allows you to turn yourself into whoever or whatever and when you’re done you just wash it off and start all over again. I like makeup because it makes me feel like a better version of myself especially when I’m having one of those crappy days, that I know we all get, when you don’t really feel beautiful, even though we know we are. It makes me feel better about the areas I am insecure about and though it doesn’t always cure a bad mood, low self-esteem or depression, it usually makes me feel better when I at least feel that I look good.

What inspires you?-

I am inspired by all aspects of life; whether its nature, fashion, art, architecture, and people. Makeup artists especially because, it’s not only what they create but their commitment to mastering their craft, openness to learning and generosity in sharing their knowledge.

What’s your thought on our latest trends?-

Personally, I don’t really follow trends I wear what makes me comfortable and happy but a few trends I’ve noticed for this fall are :- 1. Doll lashes, 2. Smokey eye or “the grunge look”, 3. Touches of Metallic, 4. The exaggerated cat eye, 5. Bold colors and 6. Bold brows with the forever fall trendy berry lip.

Could you name one common problem women have and how to ‘fix’ it?-

One common problem women have, and this includes myself, we often times compare ourselves to other women and then feel bad about our short comings not realizing that the same person you are comparing yourself to might be comparing themselves to you. We are all uniquely beautiful. We weren’t made to be the same. So what is you have a little fat? If it bothers you that much eat healthy and exercise. So what if you have bugs bunny teeth and a five head? I’ve learnt to… umm I mean, you can learn to live with it. No matter what your flaw is embrace it, it’s what makes you, YOU. Life isn’t about outer beauty, it’s what’s on the inside that truly matters.

Your number 1 makeup tip?-

Never underestimate the power of a good moisturizer. Whether you wear makeup or not and it doesn’t matter if you have oily skin, dry skin or combination skin, a good moisturizer is always an essential. Sometimes, all you really need is a good moisturizer, I recommend one with SPF for the day time and a thicker cream at night, and a mild cleanser, and you can take years off your face. If you are in your 20’s and 30’s moisturizers will give you some of the protection you need to keep skin from prematurely aging and a good moisturizer can take the place of a lot of products.

Thank you so much for reading Crafties and check back regularly to update yourself on new features, awesome giveaways and trendy news.

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